
検索キーワード「social media post size」に一致する投稿を表示しています

√完了しました! new facebook post size 2021 255679-Facebook post size 2021 in cm

 When it comes to Facebook ad image size, it's essential to stay up to date But navigatingFacebook ads options can be confusing, especially if you're brand new to Facebook ads This guide is the 21 edition of all things related to Facebook ad image size specs and requirements — as they pertain to ad objectives Here's a summary of the Facebook statistics you need to know in 21 280 billion monthly active users use Facebook It also has 184 billion users that are visiting the social networking site on a daily basis Facebook is the leading social media platform, reaching 590 percent of social media users However, to avoid pixelation, cropping, and slow load times, we recommend that you restrict the Facebook post dimensions to 10 x 630 pixels The aspect ratio should be 1911 The recommended minimum image size is 600 x 315 pixels 1 Facebook post size 2021 in cm